Friday, March 12, 2010

Pub Golf Clothes For Women

[Looking You];Drabble

Title: You Looking
Author: Hiro
Rating: G or PG
Couples: YooSu (?)
Gender: Stalking (?), Romance (?)
Summary: A Drabble not need summary xD!
WARNING: Drabble is a rare.

You Looking ;____________________________{}

for the first time I saw you on the street, that day was cold, but you only wore a shirt sleeveless, tight to your body, I noticed that you exercise, and you like the color red, your hair was red at the time, your shirt too, and these youth shoes were red. My notorious Adam's apple bobbed up and down to see you. You did not see me, but I do see you.

second time I saw you smiling, talking with a guy, laughed singing, you were in a cafe, I went out there, I went just to see more closely, I saw your beauty. Not to notice my strange haircut that I hid one eye. You looked at me not, but I if I did.

for the third time I saw you going to college where I began working as an assistant in the department of medicine, I found out you were in third year of theater, and sports had a boyfriend. Do not you notice my red lips that opened every time you spent. I saw every day of that year, did not you ever.

for the thousandth time I saw a few minutes ago, you entered bloodied the emergency room at the clinic where I work. You had a bullet embedded in the stomach, were unconscious, they informed me that your boyfriend had a fit of rage and I had shot. I saw you, I'm looking at right now, I see you're full of tubes and hoses out of your mouth, you have two users, one in each arm, trying to remove the bullet, without success, nurses scream, ranging from a around, going to take my tiny body, but I will not listen, just look at you, take your hand, caress your hair. After a while the doctor tells me that stopped the bleeding and they expect to spend the night. I just look at you, take you to an habitacióny hear the sound of your heartbeat transformed into that noisy machine. I watch, the skin white, almost purple by blood loss, dark circles, bandages, oxygen

... I hope to be the first thing you see upon waking.



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