Sean welcome you to my small but cute, bit LJ. Feel comfortable in this small place that fills my little heart every moment that updatee and write my sincere thoughts. In this journal write my situations likely to arise over this year.
But it rude not mine introduced me eh. "Holaaaaaa: D, I Pao and welcome .... Again -. - open to any situacióny / or person. I am very attached to the furry culture, within this I feel totally comfortable and accepted within this community. If you are concerned that this community is, they can look it up in wikipedia (xD!!).
Within the community would recognize me as Susukiba, Susukida or Susu, in which I show my feelings through digital and traditional art. My inner animal is a white wolf and which guide me throughout my working life, spiritual and romantic.
Why eh chosen the wolf and not another being?
Throughout my life eh always well connected to the canines. From small found a spiritual peace to be with these animals so impressive that come to love in a way that can not be explained. Over the years I have the experience of having my side to man's best friend, the dog. I got experience the warmth of an inseparable companion, a loyal friend and a being with a spirit much greater than human. Being surrounded by my companion, I could understand how these creatures used to be called "man's best friend." Found not only a partner but, a friend, which pleased me your compañíay his presence around me. To find the anime in 1998, so far I see it, I found a magical world where you can enjoy that moment of laughter, tears and love. To find the anime, Wolf's Rain, I found that bit that I needed. Able to find the spiritual passion that called me and filled me with every bit of my being.
My way of seeing the world it's just as things come and enjoy them at that moment or the rest of my life. I think that love is a fantastic thing and you manifest your deepest feelings inside and outside the relationship. When it's indifference, I feel terrible and very hurt. But when you go through tears and a moment of depression, in the end I am happy to have experienced that moment of happiness and sadness. Not only did I feel such love, but I managed to find myself in a way that did not know how to express myself. While I have many experiences, I still feel I can give a lot more but not only in love, but in art and my expression of feelings. ° w °
I see in my next post! : 3
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