Premiering new layout thanks to community velvetb0x and The Hichi : D
long ago I happened to update my journal, but the truth is not for lack of time or do not want to> __> U if that simply did not like how it looked, but now with this new layout update.
Yesterday I finally went to get my No More Pain *--------* reached on Friday and akjshdkasgdad omg! I love him, it was so exciting when I opened it XD is that this would be my first album and it was beautiful ;____; akjshdasd [and I swore that my first album would Arashi, w; ... but that is on the way
kajshdkjgalks If we talk about the dvd was the second I saw, I CRIED ;____; yeah, I cried! is that the excitement was tremendous, I really had not expected that XD, but to see and hear you at all pv asdfhagdas splendor died, I do not know if I'm the only one who's wrong, but he felt something really special to hear the introduction of the song n as he watched on the big screen D: asjkdgasd I spend as I saw my 5x10 [but that emotion is indescribable emociónmultiplicadax1000elevadacincovecesporsucuboaloquelesumamoseldesquiciodeunafanporverasusmachosenaccion xd was something like (?) ysentircomosiestubierasenelmismoconcierto] : D but bueh ~ I think you understand it? xd. The Making Off
was simply rulz ~ showing part of the recording of the song and filming the video software. And now that I think about it, the making has a lot of air to be a concert [perhaps because they are on tour now ?.... who knows one xD]
And what is happening to the album itself, for there is much praise to say if it [because I also loved xDDD] once Moreover, KT shows a long list of Songs "ALL" in uppercase title UxD yeah! is inevitable for me noticing this detail [I must say that I write load the group name and song in all caps are (/_-)] but good detail. KT
this time really shines with a new style of music within the Johhny, although I could see from the 1st release of this year, Love Yourself [THE D-MOTION where is the best evidence for that].
who follow this line of truth that I love that little by little is being consolidated as a new style within the same compañíay that case, I find great [though Yamapi this experience with something similar and although the group "or KT" is known for be as diverse in musical style] but that does not remove the fact that I continue with its beautiful ballads to more than one or "any" without prejudice [>__> U eh? xd] them out a sigh.
But hey, in little words I LOVE MY NO MORE PAIN ~
Ja ~ EDIT: ;_________; Hichi ~ ~ ~ go to delete the header, 000000;-kills-cresticolis not know how to reposition! ! tasukete ~, W;
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